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About COC Ghana

Christain Outreach Complex (COC) was established in 1991 but was incorporated in 1999 at the Registrar General’s Department as a non-denominational, non-Governmental, non-profit organisation. Simply put, the complex is for all churches and every citizen.

Mission Statement

COC exists to liberate and empower the spiritually oppressed. This it seeks to do through:

  • Prayer and Deliverance sessions
  • The Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts/ Victims of Domestic Violence and The Training of churches in the organisation of Outreach Programmes



COC is a non-denominational, non-Governmental, non-profit organisation. COC will among other things, make its human and material resources available as the channels through which the compassion and love of Jesus will reach people and communities who are unreached, lost, demonised, hurting. Those who need the support, encouragement, counselling and comfort of others to get over their limitations. It also seeks to conduct studies into the factors responsible for the suffering of victims and to put in place effective strategies and resources that are needed to equip them to work through their challengers in the rehabilitation centre. There are two main rehabilitation centres and these are:

  • Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence and the Homeless (CVDVH)
  • Centre For the Aged (CFA)

The complex provides a rehabilitation counselling sessions for broken/troubled marriages and people from broken homes who are in need of healing. CVDVH is committed to the rehabilitation of all individuals accepted into both residential and non-residential status. counselling sessions are also offered to people with social problems and those who are in need of career counselling The complex also provides counselling sessions for Christians contemplating marriage (premarital counselling). The CFA provides both spiritual and social support for the aged. The aged will spend their mornings at the centre socialising: playing games, listening to Christian songs and inspirational messages and thereafter take in some lunch before going home.

Newly weds can spend their honeymoon at the suites with much privacy. Ministers, church leaders and in fact any child of God from any denomination can also spend time here on retreats and for spiritual upliftment. The chapel and the hall will provide conducive venue for retreats, seminars and workshops for all Christian churches. Volunteers from all Christian churches will be trained and well equipped to carry out counselling All trained Christians counsellors can do their counselling through a booking system depending on their spare time. There will be a 24 hour phone-in service to receive complains and book clients for counselling It is our prayer that the good Lord Himself will use COC to liberate and empower the spiritually oppressed. May God bless and keep you. May all who use the facility of the complex find what they are seeking for and the God of all grace prosper your heart desires and give you peace. Amen! .

Make a Donation?

To support the above and help with their rehabilitation either in cash or kind, please contact us via any of the medium below or send a cheque to the address below. Make all cheques payable to CHRISTIAN OUTREACH COMPLEX.

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